How to design a purposeful office in your custom home build

Home Office Design by Stannard Homes

Work culture has changed since the pandemic. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than 40% of employed people were regularly working from home in the second half of 2021. With WA borders now open, more employers have implemented working from home policies, undoubtedly solidifying the “WFH” trend. 

As custom home builders, we have noticed the shift. Gone are the days when the home office was the pokey room near the laundry or you shared a corner of the living space with school bags, sports equipment and kids toys. . Instead, the home office is now a highly functional space that deserves thoughtful consideration.

So what should you keep in mind when designing a home office in your custom home? This month, we give you a few tips for creating a productive work environment you will love. 


3 things to consider when designing an office in your custom home


1. Consider office location  

Consider where you situate your home office to take advantage of natural light, reduced noise and privacy. If you need solitude, you will want the room away from the kitchen and lounge, either at the back or the front of the house. This will prevent noise from distracting you. 

Ask any leading home designer in Australia, light is one of the main considerations when designing a home office space, as it has such a profound effect on how you feel. Studies have shown natural light increases productivity and improves mood. The view from a window will also affect how you feel in the space. Will a garage view inspire you, or a view of the trees? Think about what your office window will look out onto. 

Do you run your own business? Garden offices are becoming increasingly popular. These are rooms completely detached from living areas to avoid distraction and create separation. If the block you’re building on has enough backyard space, a garden office might be worth considering.

2. Think about functionality 

Before you start designing your office, think about how you will use it. For example, how many people will access the working environment? If there will be more than one family member, you will need to make space for two workstations and think about how you will both sit comfortably.

Will the office double as a reading room? You will need space for a bookshelf, reading nook and sitting area. It may help to sketch possible designs and go through them with your custom builder so they can draw up a floorplan that will allow your vision to come to life. 

Questions to ask yourself when planning your custom home build

  • How many people will be using the office?
  • How much desk space will I need?
  • What furniture will I want in the room?
  • What do I need to store in the room?
  • How much time will I be spending in there? 
  • How many outlets will I need?
  • What technology will I be using and how does this affect the electrical plan?

We recommend talking through any considerations with your luxury home builder, so they can factor in your office plans in the design phase.

3. Avoid clutter with ample storage  

“The physical environment of the workplace has a significant effect on how we work,” says Harvard Business Review. Too much clutter can quickly make the office unproductive. So how do you combat clutter? Create ample storage space. 

Too many home builders make storage an afterthought, especially in spare rooms that end up as offices. Of course, storage is never the first topic you want to consider when you’re thinking about luxury home designs, but giving it some thought before you build will help you achieve a functional space.

What will you need to store in your office? Books? Papers? Art supplies? Ask your builder to build in-built shelving for your office as part of the original design, or instruct them to factor in enough space so you can install a unit down the track. You can also opt for in-built desks with drawers and compartments for smaller items – that way, everything will flow seamlessly together. 

Nowadays, the home office is an essential room in the house. Making savvy design decisions during the preliminary stages of your home design will increase productivity, and encourage a healthy work-life balance.


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