3 home design secrets to avoid building regrets

custom kitchen

Building a custom home is a significant investment, so it’s natural to worry about making mistakes or regretting your choices later. You will also spend years of your life in the space, which adds to the pressure of making the right decisions.

With over 60 years of building custom homes in Perth, we have helped hundreds of people navigate the home design process. With the right guidance, you can build a home you will love for years and enjoy building it.

We want everyone to enjoy building a new home, so we share our top secrets to avoid building regrets. Read on!


Secret 1: Build for the future

custom home study and stairwell

It’s tempting to design a custom home based on the person you are now and the lifestyle you currently live. But remember, your needs will change. One of our top secrets? Build for the future.

Here are tips for ensuring your home will suit you in years to come. 

Make space for family

Family dynamics change. You may have a baby, or a loved one may need to come and live with you for a while. Will your home accommodate these circumstances? Do you have enough room? It could be as simple as building an extra room or designing multi-purpose spaces.

Plan for lifestyle changes 

Another thing to consider is lifestyle. You may go out for dinner a lot now but what about in 5-10 years? You may need a bigger kitchen for cooking more regularly. Consider how your life will evolve, and design accordingly so you’re comfortable later. 

Keep market value in mind

You’re probably not thinking of reselling now, but it’s wise to consider your home as an investment from the beginning. You may rethink certain design decisions if they will affect selling value down the track. And you may consider things like energy efficiency or versatility so your custom home will appeal to a wider market.


Tip 2: Create a spending plan

As much as you dream about a walk-in wardrobe that gives your favourite reality star a run for her money, this may not be the best use of your money. Or that fancy bathroom tiling may not be worth it if you rather spend it on remarkable outdoor design. Planning your spending is wise, so you don’t regret it later. 

Here are a few tips for budgeting:  

Make a list of non-negotiables 

Sounds simple, but in the flurry of custom home building it’s easy to forget the important things. Make a list of non-negotiables so you always have them in front of your mind. 

Create a budget 

Go beyond an approximate price limit and break down what you’re willing to pay for each building element to the last detail. 

Choose a trusted home builder 

Choose a home designer to help you determine your non-negotiables and stick to them. A good builder will guide you along the way and keep you accountable.


Secret 3: Design for function and style

custom home bedroom

Designing your custom build is an exciting time. You want your new space to look incredible, balancing the latest home design trends with a classic, enduring style. But be careful not to sacrifice liveability for aesthetics. What looks great in magazines and on Instagram doesn’t always translate to optimum living. 

The homes that endure are the ones that function beautifully too. Here are some more tips for designing a functional home:

Define functional priorities

What are your top five functional priorities? In other words, how will you use your home? Example: Cooking, dining, entertaining, relaxing and exercising. Once you define your five, create functional zones for these living needs.  

Cross-check your floorplan

The floorplan is integral to assessing functionality. Work with your home designer and builder to ensure your floorplan aligns with your lifestyle and the proportions and features you will use.  

Prioritise space

When it comes to comfort, space is so important. Style features (such as large appliances, excessive knick-knacks and over-sized furniture) may look impressive but may be worth forgetting if they take up too much space. 

Don’t underestimate storage

Limited storage space can quickly become the bane of your existence. And if you have no space for your things, your home can quickly become cluttered. 


Building a custom home is a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration and planning. Collaborating with a trusted and reliable Perth home builder will help ensure the design and construction of a home built with your future in mind. 

We’re here to help you build a custom home you will love for years. Get in touch.