Sustainable luxury homes: Building a greener future

‘Luxury’ might not be the first word that comes to mind when looking to build a greener future, but we know how to make luxury and sustainability go effortlessly hand in hand.

Environmental responsibility is a top priority at Stannard’s and we’re leading the charge on building luxury homes in Perth sustainably. We utilise eco-friendly practices across all our custom home designs, from our popular two storey luxury homes to Hampton style homes, seamlessly blending luxury and sustainability.

Our range of options from eco-friendly building materials, smart home technology, effective waste management systems and innovative architectural designs offer sustainable ways to minimise your carbon footprint while building your dream home. 


Green building design

Going green is easier than you think for luxury home builders. By understanding how to utilise your home layout you can reduce the environmental footprint from the get go!

As a  luxury home builder in Perth our designs take advantage of long-lasting sunny days by positioning your home for optimal natural light and solar power, and keep a lookout for cross ventilation opportunities to keep your home cool in Perth’s scorching summers.

Plus, Stannard’s always uses high-quality, durable materials to minimise the need for repairs and renovations in the future, offering a sustainable and timeless custom built home.


Get smart

Smart home technology is an up-and-coming major player for eco-friendly luxury home builders.

We incorporate technology to enhance both the convenience and sustainability of our Perth custom home builds. Consider fitting your new home with solar panels, energy efficient HVAC systems, LED lighting and smart appliances.

These are all ways to reduce your energy consumption with the benefit of long term savings. Home automation systems can allow you to monitor and control energy usage and lighting remotely. At Stannard’s, we can recommend energy and water efficient appliances to sustainably reduce reliance on utilities.


Sustainable building materials  

Sustainably sourced, renewable and recycled materials go a long way in determining the net impact your luxury home build has. It’s also best to opt for low VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint when building and utilise certain colours to encourage natural lighting and heat.

High quality insulation adds to sustainable building, delivering superior temperature control for your custom home design. Windows are also a large factor in energy saving, we take a sustainable approach to optimise window placement and size for your luxury home. 


H2O, waste reduction and recycling

Water is a precious resource in Australia and it’s important to conserve as much as possible during construction. We offer responsible resource management to reduce water usage throughout a luxury home build by means of installing water-efficient fixtures, and efficient site irrigation plans.

Reducing construction waste is a priority for building sustainably along with recycling on site. We follow a firm waste management procedure to ensure materials are repurposed or recycled whenever possible.

Custom home design, smart technology, sustainable building materials and waste reduction play a crucial role for a greener future.

When building your dream home it’s important to make sure you’re building one that is sustainable not only for now but also the future.


Kick-start your sustainable luxury home build today and get in touch with our Perth team!