Luxury home designs for couples

Master bedroom - Luxury home designs for couples

Do you and your partner share long, romantic baths or prefer to shower solo? Are Sunday mornings spent in bed basking in the morning light, or are you on the couch in the lounge room curled up with a coffee?

Many couples follow design trends instead of looking at their relationship for inspiration, which is a shame because they end up with features they don’t use or have to renovate later on.

As luxury home builders, we encourage you to think about self-care and quality time and how this will translate throughout your home design. Think double showers, twin basins and library nooks – spaces that encourage relaxation, connection and even alone time. Here, we give you home design ideas for couples.


Luxury custom home designs inspired by couple

Sanctuary bathrooms

“Oh, sorry, I just have to grab my toothbrush” or “Can you let me get into the drawers?” Do these sound familiar? If you’re currently sharing a small bathroom, you probably don’t need much convincing to build a bigger one, so you avoid the lover’s spats that come from a cramped space. But what design features to consider?

One of the first things to consider is whether you want a bath, shower and/or spa? Baths and spas create a space for romance and give your bathroom a luxurious vibe. Do you like showering together? Then a double shower is a wise move. Knowing you both have plenty of room to shower comfortably will entice you to bathe together more often. 

Whatever you choose, you can make these spaces unique by creating sanctuaries with inspiring design elements. For example, you can blur inside and outside elements with glass walls looking out onto your courtyard landscaping design. We also love designing extended “wet zones”, e.g. instead of keeping your bath and shower separate, you can install freestanding baths inside a double shower unit. If you’re unsure what’s possible, you can always ask your custom home builder for ideas.

Ambient bedrooms

The bedroom often becomes an afterthought in custom home design because anyone else rarely sees it. But we think it’s arguably the most important room in the house, not only because you spend most of your time in this room (even if most of it is spent asleep), but it’s where you reconnect with your partner after a long day at work or running around with the kids. 

Creating a serene room where you can wind down is about creating the right mood. Think windows and lighting. If you’re building a two-storey home, consider a bedroom balcony with a view of your backyard. Balconies give your bedroom a sense of space and luxury, creating a truly romantic setting – the ultimate in luxury home design. Whether you have a balcony or not, windows open the bedroom and create gorgeous morning light to welcome you up in the day. Where you position your window will depend the direction your room is facing. We recommend discussing this with your Perth builder.

Accessible walk-in wardrobes

Do your partner’s clothes seem to be forever edging towards yours in the wardrobe? Then factoring a spacious walk in robe in your custom home design is a good idea. Some couples decided to go all out with sumptuously appointed a walk-in wardrobe, and others prefer separate spaces to avoid squabbling.  

Like any storage space, remember to think about what you need to access on a daily basis and aim to have key items at eyeline. You want to find your things easily! If you’re thinking of a walk-in wardrobe, you will want enough room for the two of you to walk in and get changed comfortably. 

Factor in shelving for your shoes and small drawers for accessories and makeup. Wardrobes can also be a great storage space for travel bags and family keepsakes like photo albums which you can store above the hangers. Finally, don’t forget the full-length mirror! 

Wardrobes don’t have to be completely utilitarian. They can extend your home design and feel quite luxurious with the right style choices. Your choice of finishes, flooring and lighting can make the space a sanctuary – and we all need a little peace before and after work. If you don’t have access to natural light, choose cooler light bulbs so you can see everything clearer or indulge in the clever placement of a feature skylight.

Time to build the dream home for you and your partner?
Get in touch with our Perth home builders to share your vision.